Raise your hand if you..

  • Are looking for a way to get it all done in your house with your kids
  • Are tired of using screens to entertain  your kids 
  • Want to allow your little one to help you but don't know where to start
  • Worry that your kid is going to grow up not knowing how to do any life skills
  • Are looking to teach your kid how to help with a younger sibling
  • Want to instill independence in your kids
  • Want happier mealtimes and less picky eating
  • Want more collaboration with your kids instead of conflict



Let’s get to it!


Hey there I'm Sabrina, a wife and momma who  homeschools and is also an architect! I wear many hats for sure. 

Ever since I was pregnant with our first son, I knew that I wanted to raise him in more of a montessori approach. I wanted to follow his lead and set him up for success right from the start. Well, my husband and I really took that and ran with it and grew it into so much more. 

We have learned so much along the way and so I wanted to create a course where parents could get all the information they need on raising a confident, independent, and helpful toddler all in one place.

Being a parent can feel so hard, but it is also the most rewarding and special job in the world. I hope our course ignites that excitement in you over parenting and makes your relationships stronger with your children. 


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